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Confronting homophobia: Iowa State community members discuss their experiences

Savanna Falter identifies as pansexual, meaning she has the capability of attraction to others regardless of their gender identity or biological sex.


“Gender isn’t a box that I check when I’m looking for someone,” Falter said. “It’s really based on their personality, their goals in life and how they treat their families.”


Like many members of the LGBT+ community, Falter is no stranger to homophobia. Born and raised in Lincoln, Nebraska, Falter came up through the Lincoln Public Schools District, an environment that was tough on members of the LGBT+ community.

Navigating a fractured system

In 2011, the National Center for Transgender Equality and National Gay and Lesbian Task Force distributed a survey dubbed the National Transgender Discrimination Survey.


Nineteen percent of the sample (about 7,500 respondents) reported being refused care because of their transgender or gender non-conforming status, with even higher numbers among people of color.


“Health care providers, to my experience, don’t know anything,” Moffitt said. “[Providers] having general knowledge about trans individuals would be great.”


Twenty-eight percent of respondents were subjected to harassment in medical settings. Fifty percent reported having to educate their medical providers about transgender care.

Four seniors make history in their own way

Everyone has a characteristic that makes them unique. For these individuals, it was never enough to stand up, for they have accomplished many things by standing out. These four students are making their mark on the history of Iowa State University.


Devin Wilmott


For much of her life, Devin Wilmott has tried to force herself into a box, a box shaped by the opinions of others.


Now, the senior in kinesiology and health entrepreneur is convincing others that the box doesn’t exist.


Rare Disease Day: 'Different is different, it’s not bad'

At age 18, with the help of two Iowa State alumni, Jeilah Seely was diagnosed with an accommodative dysfunction. This dysfunction has resulted in Seely developing an eye disorder. Seely said that whenever people ask, she usually just tells them that she is blind.


Accommodative dysfunction is a rare illness that causes symptoms to occur when individuals bearing the illness place strain on their eyes. With contacts or glasses Seely can see 20/20, but her disorder presents challenges that go beyond sight.


“If it’s too sunny or I have to keep going [indoors and outdoors] or if someone hands me something with really small print, I get sick, my head hurts and then my vision starts to go away,” Seely said.

Students hold "Not My President" protest

Friday morning’s cool breeze may have offered a chilly walk to class for many, but it did nothing to calm the fire in the voices of those who spoke during the protest dubbed “Not My President” Friday. 


The hour-and-a-half long protest took place at the “Bordering Crossing” statue located in front of MacKay Hall in the south courtyard. Hundreds of students gathered around the statue to vocalize their responses about President-elect Donald Trump’s victory Tuesday night.


“We are angry, frustrated and confused,” said Kaleb Vanfosson, sophomore in political science and president of the Young Democratic Socialists student organization. “[We’re] just looking to fight against the bigotry that is now taking over our government.”

NPHC gears up for Greek Fest

Malik Burton didn’t know much about greek life upon his arrival at Iowa State.


He knew very little about greek traditions. Whatever exposure to greek life that he retained before attending Iowa State came from movies or television.


“My freshman year, I wasn’t interested in greek life at all,” Burton said. “I didn’t understand what was going on.”


Now, the junior in speech communication is a member of the Omicron Pi chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., the first intercollegiate greek fraternity established for African-American men.


AJ Channer from Fire From The Gods talks police brutality, Chester Bennington and more ahead of passionate performance at the Vans Warped Tour!

M.T.C: “The Voiceless” speaks on a very powerful message. Tell us about the issue of police brutality and how it inspired the song. 


Channer: Here in America, we’re blue in the face about talking about police brutality and the effect of the prison industrial complex on our communities. Specifically, from my own perspective, which I speak through my music, hence the name “Narrative,” it’s kind of saying voiceless sarcastically. People want to brush (instances of police brutality) off like, “Maybe if the guy had listened; maybe if he stopped moving.” 


I don’t think there should be a situation where a civilian is killed by a police officer unless the use of deadly force comes at him and he has to protect himself.

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